Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weight gain

Ugh...weight gain...while I know it's necessary to gain weight for pregnancy it's hard to watch those numbers climb. Frustrating knowing what kind of metabolism I had before. Hopefully, it will come back after he's born.

I'm now in week 37 and ready to have him. He is already in the perfect position for the birth. Head down, back to my front. Everything is ready in the apartment. Yep, ready for little mans arrival. Corwin keeps rubbing the belly and telling him that we are ready to meet him.

I keep looking around the apartment, looking at all of the baby stuff and it still catches me off guard that I'm a mom...

Hospital visit March 24th 2011

Wednesday, March 23rd at around 10:30pm, our baby boy decided that causing contractions would be a good idea! Started with mild bleeding and progressed into consistant contractions. Called the hospital and was told to go in for observation. Get to the hospital around 11:30pm, get hooked up to the fetal monitor. Baby boy is moving around like crazy and his heart rate looks great. I get a full check up, everything is fine but my blood pressure is up a bit. Contractions stay regular but don't increase in strength. No dialation after a few hours, so the doctor gives me some medicne, monitors for a while longer.

Nurse comes in, checks my blood pressure again, it's still high and she says this concerns her. I replied with, "Of course it's up. I'm exhausted and have been stuck in the hospital since 11:30, it's now 4am." I'm put on modified bed rest to make sure baby boy stays where he's at.

We are released from the hospital at 5:15am. Get home, I have a snack and pass out. Corwin doesn't go into work until 9am due to being exhausted.

I've had braxton-hicks since but nothing to call the doctors about. Baby boy is doing fine.

Overdue update!

It's been way to long since I've updated this thing! Sorry!!!

Ok...we switched from Dr. Dion to the midwife program at OHSU. They are an AMAZING group of midwifes, actually ranked as number one in the country! I've always been interested in a water birth and Dr. Dion's practice does not offer it.

I've been going to OHSU since the middle of December and I couldn't be happier with them. They have a pre-natal group that you can do instead of one-on-one appointments. It's a lot of fun! Get to sit in a room with women who are very close to your own due date and discuss all the wonderful/not so wonderful things about pregnancy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Baby boy is a movin'

Well, our son has let himself be known! Moving around enough this morning to cause me to wake up! I know it's only going to get more dramatic from here but whoa, what a feeling! He's been moving around for a few weeks now, but this morning he was strong enough to let his Daddy know he was there too! Had to have Corwin sit patiently to feel our little man, but he finally did! I know he's going to get stronger to were we can watch my belly move, it was just fantastic tho to have Corwin be able to feel him! *sigh I'm so incredibly happy!

We are having a...

BOY!! So excited to have my first child be a boy! The radiologist looked over the ultrasound and said that everything looks fantastic and that he is right on schedule. She even tapped my leg and said "Good Job Mama!". lol. I looked at her and said "No problem" with a little wink. Once I have the pictures on my computer I'll post more!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

And time goes by...

     While there really isn't anything to update about, thought I would just let people know that everything is normal. Well, as normal as you can get in pregnancy. Weight is steadily going up. *sigh
     Bought my first pair of maternity jeans the other day. I must say I was shocked at just how comfortable they are! Can't wait to buy more! While I know the baby is still a little small for me to really feel what he/she is doing in there, I know I can tell he/she is moving around. What a strange butterfly feeling it is! He/she also really does not like me to sleep past 3am already! Oh my...

We should find out on December 16th whether it is a boy or a girl! Can't wait for that day!

For now though...I'll just keep eating, resting and looking at my belly slowly get bigger. :) I'm so happy and excited! Corwin is such an amazing man. He is taking such great care of me! Ugh, I love that man! *sigh *grin!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

First Drs visit

First Doctors appointment was made for Thursday, October 28th. Normally they won't due an ultrasound at the first visit but due to the nature of my cycle they decided that one was necessary to see how far along I actually was. Corwin and I arrive at the doctors office and we go back for the ultrasound. Expecting to see only an embryo, with only the start of arms, legs, fingers and toes. Boy were we surprised when the ultrasound started! Up on the screen appears arms, legs, fingers and toes! All fairly well developed. With a look of disbelief I look over at the technician and ask, "How far along am I?" "I'm getting about 11 weeks 4 days." "Whoa baby, that's a lot farther than we thought, isn't?" I ask Corwin. "Yea, it" is his response. Then the technician focuses on the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. The heartbeat. It is indescribable the feeling of hearing the heartbeat for the first time. Looking down at your belly and realizing what's happening in there. Also, some great news, the heartbeat is a very strong 164 beats per minute!

We then meet our Doctor, Dr. Danielle Dion. We are seriously impressed by this first meeting. She is open, honest and very real. We liked her from the moment she walked in the door. Can't wait for the next visit!